Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Day That's Worth Having

Best day ever. The definition of a best day ever, is a day in ones life that something great that happened to ones day that stuck with them the rest of their lives. Well a best day ever hardly ever comes. That’s why it is so rare to have a best day in your life. Most people in the world have moment in there lives that will be categorized as a best day in there life.
One of my best days ever must be the days I have to write because when I write nothing else seems to matter. When I write a sudden feeling of peace comes over me. Writing is my passion, writing is my escape out of this world. Writing is my new found love. Most of the time my writing would be hard to follow, it might not be clear, it might even be incoherent. But when I write it opens a world full of possibilities, when writing became a part of my life. That is to me the best day ever. The days I get a chance to write are the best day in my life. With the light dimming and the days shortening everyday counts. It is best to make the most of our time here. For me making the best of my life is to write. To keep on writing, to never stop writing.
There are many things that inspire me. It could be something I see outside, something I dreamed about, what I watched on TV, or just about anything that comes to my head, when there isn’t anything on my mind I just pick up a book that’s laying around and started to copy the sentences down until I start writing something that is all me.Gustave Flaubert once said "I always tried to live in a ivory tower but the tide of shit is beating at its walls, trying to undermine it." That quote best defines my attitude. You see writing does not come easy for me it is the hardest thing for me to do. But there is nothing else I’d rather do then write. Writing to me is like a good itch, the more we itch we barley scratch through the service. There is so much to write about that is what makes me so stuck on what to write about. I’d think I said enough about my best day ever. So go home, go somewhere new, go look for the unexpected and you just might find something worth writing. With any luck in doing so that day just might become the next best day you have ever had.

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