Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Outrage of Rage

So you want to know what makes me angry. Right off the bat there are a lot of things that make me angry. The types of things that makes me angry is a overload of assignments. the reason why I get angry when I have a overload of assignments is that when I get so much work and not enough time to complete the work. Also the days that everything bad happened to me makes me very angry. The reason why it makes me very angry is because nothing seems to go my way. the world holds the dices and the world is giving me snake eyes. I lose. I get angry when everything i seem to do is not good enough. I stay up all night and don't get anything completed. When I get angry i don't feel like like to doing anything that i have to do. When i get angry i don't do any of my homework. Anger the root of all evil. Anger which spawns hatred. Anger it is everywhere it seeps through the dark streets, it plagues and overwhelms people like an unwanted pestilence.anger consumes the very fiber of our being. Anger walks the streets and alleyways. With anger climates the timid people. and it is what separates the  brave form the timid. Anger is the bluntest of emotion. anger separates good from the bad. Anger is like a flesh eating disease it weakens peoples immune system.   Anger causes death and mutilation. there are many times of anger righteous anger. Anger is still just anger at the end of day. Although anger is apart of nature but we can not lose it we can't live without it the only thing we can do is keep away from stuff that makes us angry and hope that the anger doesn't kill us before we have a chance to live our lives to the fullest.

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