Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Missed Train

I’m waiting for a train, I don’t know where this train is going to take me. But where ever the train takes me doesn’t matter because I’m already lost. I’m lost in this world, there is nothing more in this world that I want is just to be found. You see we live in a hard world, a world full a disappointment, a world full of hate, a world full of the lonely outcast that don’t have a home, a world full of possibilities, a world full of stress, stress that consumes us. Over time we have lost a important thing in life. We have lost the thrill of life, the beauty of it, the majestic nature of it, the sun rises, and the sun sets. We have lost the spark of life. Really living life. Hours spent watching TV, playing games, working, sleeping, doing the same thing over and over again, and we blink and its all over. Time wasted, on what we think is important. The media did this to us, the media told us what we should be not what we are, the media tells us to be something to do something important. Media tells us what they think is the perfect life. The American dream where everybody has a white picked fence with 2.5 kids and two cars. Life used to be simpler, but like everything our heads got in the way. I see life passing through each car while I was watching the train passing by. Some people say that a picture is worth a thousand words. For every picture there is a endless amount of questions that one would ask about a single photograph. While standing here I start to think about life. Life how I see it, life how others see it, and life how animals’ see it. It is funny how something so simple as a waiting for a train at the subway station can be so mesmerizing.
The breeze of air hits my face while the train passes by at a great speed. If it is waiting for a train or waiting for a bus or waiting for a storm to pass. The one thing that I really know is that there is nowhere I’d rather be than here waiting for a train to take me far away from here.

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