Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crowded People, With Clouded Faces

At first it might be hard for someone to see me surrounded by a large amount of people because I am very shy at first. Once you bare some time with me I would get under your skin. Once I get comfortable I loosen up and show my real self. When this happens you would no exactly who I am. I might make mistakes, I might say the wrong thing, everything that I seem to do keeps me one step behind other people. See a lot of people just give up and don't want to take the chance to get to no me. Well to bad for them I just might be the greatest or worst person that you might ever meet. It is you choice to pick which one I am. I bring a presence with me. Some might say that I'm childish, some might say that I don't act my age, some might even go as bold as to say that I am mindless, brainless, and foolish, and even careless. I don't have a word to describe myself. I am just myself. I really have know clue how people see me because who knows what those certain people who are deciding what they think of me. I think we are who other people think we are. I think that people act a different way with different people so we can make a decent amount of friends. I think we do this because we want to be liked. It is like a drug being liked nobody wants to be off it, nobody whats to be not liked so we change and adapt to our environment. Although it might be hard to find me and point me out in a crowed well that is the whole point of this blog to write something about ourselves on how we think of ourselves because at the end of the day that is what it is. It is something that can't be changed. But it seems what ever we think of ourselves doesn't seem to matter because we could think of ourselves as something positive but other people could just think the worst of you me and everyone. It is always up to the people to decide who we are, and tag us into a certain group. At the end of the day I can't stop people from having there thoughts of me, I can't stop them from how they think of me, I even can't stop people from liking me. All I can really do is just try to be myself or the way that people think of me. But what I really want is to be my own person, to be someone that people can accept in there world, someone close to my personality, someone close to who I am. Someone like my twin! if I had a twin, if I wanted a twin. All I am trying to say is that I am who I am nothing more nothing less. What you see is what you get, if you don't like what you get then just "get dead!" if you do then make the best of it. All joking aside if you see me in a crowd come right up and say hi, or don't... I don't want to push you or anything. But just do what you think is right. It is getting pretty late out the moon is out, the snow is falling, the stupid wind is blowing, and I am now freezing just writing about it . Tell next time I will see you when I see you, if I don't get to see you then you don't get to see me. Good night to everyone and good luck reading this.

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