Saturday, October 2, 2010

Procrastination: The Life And Death of Me

Someone had just introduced him to Face Book and he was trying to... drag me with him. Although me and Procrastination never really got along with each other: We have something to offer each other. Let that be the case for me all I get out of our relationship is loss of my focus incompletion  of my work. I don't know why Procrastination is such a big part of my life. All I really know is that Procrastination knows how to push my buttons just the right way for me to do what ever Procrastination tells me to do. Know matter how destructive it is, how dangerous it is, how stupid it is, how wrong it is. Know matter what I do Procrastination is my friend: a kind of friend that I wish I didn't have, a kind of friend the drags me down with him. But I am stuck with him... I just wonder if he is stuck to me. it would be wonderful if he didn't need me and he just packed up his bags and moved out of my life. There are many bad qualities  about Procrastination but the one good  quality that he has is that he is loyal and is always there for me. But the bad qualities he has overwhelm the good  quality he has. After Procrastination introduced  me to the one called Face Book. Me and Procrastination  seen to get along with each other. Since we both have a common disease. We both like are new friend Face Book: finally my Procrastination has a friend.
         Procrastination told me the story about the first time Procrastination and Face Book first met. It was like love at first click. With their new found love my life went on a downwards slide. People hardly see me now.  I rarely go to school now I am now to busy to go to school. Now I am now even to busy to leave the house. I have become a product of my own weakness. There is a problem with my fight or flight response. I feel that my Procrastination has took over me completely I am at the point where I hardly ever go to school, and I haven't spoken with a real person in days. I have became everything that I have hated. with everything going down the rabbits hole I find myself looking at my life and realizing that everything I'm doing is killing me. Out of anger I picked up my computer and chucked it off my balcony. In doing so it was like a weight of the world was released off of my shoulder.
       With my new found freedom I decided to rejoin the world, try to reconnect with people, and start going back to school. Overall I found out that people can be a slave to their technology. Now I try my best to be a victim to my technology. I wish at this time I can say that Procrastination is out of my life... but I think Procrastination is going to be apart of my life for better or for worst.

1 comment:

  1. Domenic! YOu are the only one who is all caught up on the blogs! well done!

    YOu are a great writer. I hope you never stop!
